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Enacted on January 1, 2016
Amended on April 9, 2020

The Korean Journal of Medical Education (KJME) is the official, peer-reviewed journal of the Korean Society of Medical Education. KJME serves as an international forum for sharing ideas and information between all medical educators and reflecting common challenges in health professional education.

The journal seeks to provide theoretical foundations, practical analysis, and up-to-date developments in health professional education:

  • Curriculum development

  • Teaching and learning

  • Student assessment

  • Educational evaluation

  • Educational management and policy

The journal welcomes high-quality papers on all levels of health professional education, including:

  • Undergraduate education

  • Postgraduate training

  • Continuous professional development

  • Interprofessional education

The journal features original research, review articles, short communication, medical education in an Asian context, commentaries and opinions, personal views, and teaching tips.

Types of manuscripts

Original research
An original research article is a detailed description of the research activities of the people who carried out the study, and is considered the primary source. It is also referred to as scientific research.

Review article
A review article summarizes the current understanding of educational issues. It is presented in the form of a literature review or systematic review.

Short communication
A short communication provides a novel and preliminary approach, and consists of research and a case study of an aspect of educational experience, including in-depth analysis of lessons learned in health profession education.

Medical education in an Asian context
Aiming to broaden and deepen understanding of the current status of and challenges in health profession education in Asian countries, this section reflects provocative issues and perspectives in Asian medical education and provides an advantage for communication among medical educators in Asian countries and the rest of the world.

Commentaries and opinions
Commentaries or opinions are usually invited by the editor-in-chief. These include opinions, essays, and comments on an article, or set the context for an article or articles that have been accepted for publication, or stand-alone essays for particularly timely issues.

Personal views
Personal views present and reflect the author’s personal experience or viewpoint on health professional education topics in a clear narrative voice. These include narratives written by students, residents, physicians, health care givers, and patients commenting on their experience of health profession education, including educational experience, teaching and learning, and being cared for in a teaching hospital. The formats of articles include personal essays, and cover art (photography, painting, textile work, and other visual media), among others.

Teaching tips
Teaching tips provide practical guides and strategies for health profession education, and these are usually by invitation of the editor-in-chief.

Medical Education in the Age of Uncertainty
This new section aims to share information on how medical education world cope with diverse challenges emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic and how these tough times can be utilized to transform medical education. The authors submitting to this new section can use the KJME’s existing guidelines for short communication, commentaries/opinions, and personal views.

Guidelines for writing articles by type

Type Abstract Length guidelines References Tables and figures
Original research 250 words
Generally ≤
3,000 words
Generally ≤
30 references
Generally ≤ 5
Review article 250 words
Generally ≤
4,500 words
No limitation Generally ≤ 5
Short communication 180 words
Generally ≤
1,500 words
Generally ≤
10 references
Generally ≤ 3
Medical education in an Asian context 180 words
≤ 3,000 words
Generally ≤
20 references
Generally ≤ 3
Commentaries and
None Generally ≤
1,500 words
Generally ≤
10 references
Personal views None Around 1,500
None or
< 10 references
No limitation
Teaching tips None Generally ≤
1,500 words
≤ 10 references
Generally ≤ 3
Medical Education in the Age of Uncertainty Use the same guidelines for short communication, commentaries/opinions, and personal views
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First decision

35 Days

Publication after acceptance

55 Days

Acceptance rate

30 %

*Last 12 months

SCImago Journal & Country Rank
64th percentile
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Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Medical Education
(204 Yenji-Dreamvile) 10 Daehak-ro, 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03129, Korea
Tel: +82-32-458-2636   Fax: +82-32-458-2529
E-mail : kjme@ksmed.or.kr
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