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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 1(2); 1989 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1989;1(2): 45-53. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1989.1.2.45
The Analysis of the Questionnaire about Medical Education in Seoul National University
Hong Gwan Seo, In Hong Hwang, Bong Yul Huh
Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
As for the goal of medical education, it is generally accepted that it should provide the medical students with the ability to practice primary care. However, the medical education has been markedly dependent on the lecture and general hospital-based clerkship in Korea. This survey was conducted on the senior medical students (N = 209) who has been through with the entire curriculum of Seoul National University to assess the degree of satisfaction with the medical education and the ability to practice primary care. We analyzed the useful answers of the 164 objectives. The mean age of the objectives was 24.2+/-1.0 years. The results were as follows : 1. The proportion of the students who answered that he (or she) was satisfied with the medical education was 30.5% (N = 50) and that of the unsatisfied was 54.3% (N = 89). 2. The proportion of the students who answered that he (or she) has ever practiced the suture of simple laceration was 11% (N = 18). 3. The proportion of the students who answered that he (or she) could not manage the acute diarrhea of children was 63.8% (N = 104). 4. The proportion of the students who answered that he (or she) could not manage the upper respiratory tract infection of adult was 29.3% (N = 48).
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