Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Recently, computers are more and more widely used in many aspects of medicine, including education, and using computers to assist in traditional learning has many advantages. Authors developed Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) systems, which were consisted of Apple II computer and VTR controlled by the computer to present X-ray images and meticulously designed questions with computer aided feed back alternately to facilitate the understanding of the students. So authors present the one of the CAL program.
"Bone and Joint Radiology", in detail to introduce the perspective of the system and discuss the benefit of the CAL system and the advantage and disadvantage of the image presentation by the VTR. With recent advance in computer technology, presentation of the better quality images and random access to the image files are enabled that CAL system vill give greater benefit to the traditional education and the development of the better designed CAL system and program is expected.