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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 28(1); 2016 > Article
Rhee: Globalization of the Korean Journal of Medical Education
New year’s greetings to all members of the Korean Society of Medical Education. Best wishes for your perfect health and continued success in your academic career.
The Korean Society of Medical Education was founded in May 1983, and started its major academic activities in 1989. This organization aims at development of Korean medical education by evaluating medical education systems as well as its goals, contents and methods, and disseminating the knowledge of systematic and scientific research results on all related domains. Beginning with the first conference launched in March 1989, the 31st conference was hosted last year. Ever since the first edition of Korean Journal of Medical Education was published in June 1989, there has been a great effort made to globalize our medical journal.
Finally, in May 2015, our medical journal became included in MEDLINE and it was a milestone that enhanced our standing. It is truly a significant and pleasant event and we would like to give you warm applause for your devotions for the development of the Korean Journal of Medical Education. Also we would like to appreciate our editors who made continuous efforts to advance the journal to the level of global standard. Aside from the successful inclusion in MEDLINE, the Korean Society of Medical Education will further strive to be included in SCI. In an attempt to achieve this goal, we created a board member and reviewers with international professionals, shortened the evaluation process to promote English dissertations, and appointed copy editors to offer editing services in English. In addition, the editing committee regularly opens seminars on how to write or review English papers as well as awards successful applicants who submit highly qualified research papers in a yearly contest.
Dear members,
I believe that medical educators should contribute to the development of medical education through academic activities, actively engaging in conducting medical education researches, and writing dissertations. Please support us with highly valuable and qualified dissertations on medical education to enhance our journal of medical education. Until our journal is included in SCI, I will appreciate any feedback that can improve our academic conferences and journal.
Again, I hope all is going well around you.
Thank you.
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