임상수행시험에서 ‘환자의사관계’ 영역의 특성 - 평가영역 간 관계분석을 통하여 |
한재진1, 이명진1, 임현정2 |
1이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 의학교육실 2한국교육개발원 |
Comprehension of Patient-Physician Interaction through Analysis of Relationships between Domains in Clinical Performance Examination |
Jae Jin Han1, Myoung Jin Lee1, Hyun-Jung Im2 |
1Department of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2Korean Educational Development Institute, Seoul, Korea. |
Corresponding Author:
Jae Jin Han, Tel: +82.2650.5629, Fax: +82.2650.5836, Email: jjhan@ewha.ac.kr |
Received: April 6, 2010; Revised: May 10, 2010; Accepted: May 17, 2010. |
PURPOSE: This research investigated the psychometric properties of the patient-physician interaction (PPI) domain in the clinical performance examination (CPX). This research aimed to understand the PPI domain in the CPX through a psychometric and relationship analysis between the domains.
METHODS: Data were drawn from 1,302 examinees on a set of 6 common CPX cases and 1,066 on a 'bad news delivery' case.
All cases included 7 PPI items, among which we calculated internal consistency reliability. Correlations were made between PPI and the other domains. Analyses using the structural equation model (SEM) were conducted to assess the relationships between latent factors and controlled measurement errors. To calculate the disparity between colleges, we performed a multi-level analysis. Also, we conducted t-tests to investigate the consistency of the PPI and information sharing (IS) scores in the 'bad news delivery' case.
RESULTS: Correlation between the mean PPI score and the total CPX score was high (0.707). The correlations between PPI and other domains were; 0.904 for the patient's overall satisfaction, 0.41 for history taking, and 0.327 for patient education. In SEM, these correlations between latent variables increased. The proportion of level-2 (between-school component) variance in PPI was 4.1%. For 'bad news delivery', the group that checked 'yes' on the IS items had higher PPI scores (mostly p<0.01).
CONCLUSION: PPI is an influential domain of the CPX and is highly related with the patient's overall satisfaction, clinical courtesy, and history taking. Disparities between schools in PPI are relatively small, such that the PPI could be due to individual factors rather than the school. |
Clinical competence;Undergraduate medical education;Educational measurement |