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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 21(2); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2009;21(2): 185-193. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2009.21.2.185
올리버 에비슨의 의학전문직업성 발달 과정
류숙희, 양은배
연세대학교 의과대학 의학교육학과
Medical Professionalism Development of Oliver R. Avison
Sook-hee Ryue, Eun Bae Yang
Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Eun Bae Yang, Tel: 02-2228-2511, Fax: 02-364-5450, Email: nara@yuhs.ac
Received: March 2, 2009;  Accepted: April 30, 2009.
PURPOSE: How does professionalism develop while becoming a great doctor? This study based on the life of Avison, a great doctor, aims to identify the developmental features of an excellence and professionally ethical doctor. METHODS: We chose Oliver R. Avison, who founded the first modern hospital and medical school in Korea, now known as Severance Hospital and Yonsei University College of Medicine. Sixteen pivotal events in Avison's life were extracted, based on 2 standards: self-memory and strong feeling. Further we analyzed Avison' life using a professional development analysis model. RESULTS: Oliver Avison's medical professionalism development was divided into 4 periods: 'Motivating in Medicine period', 'Medical Training period', 'Medical Doctor period', and 'Medical Educating period'. A hallmark of Oliver Avison's medical professionalism development was the growth of motivation and social responsibility, medical knowledge, medical creativity, intra-personal intelligence, and relationship forming abilities. CONCLUSION: To excel in medicine, a medical student should be encouraged to understand his unique intellectual potentials and interest as a medical worker, and try to understand problems in the established domain and field of medicine, to develop new medical symbol systems, and climates.
Keywords: Professional practice;Medical professionalism development;Medical education;Oliver R. Avison
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Medical Development and Life Ethics  1993 October;5(1)
Medical Professionalism in The 21st Century: How Can we Teach it?  2003 December;15(3)
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