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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 20(3); 2008 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2008;20(3): 241-247. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2008.20.3.241
채점자의 입실이 OSCE 응시자 성적과 수행에 미치는 영향
영남대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실
Effects of Rater's Presence in OSCE Station on Examinee's Scores and Performance
Jae Beum Bang
Department of Medical Education, Yeungnam University, College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Jae Beum Bang,Email: medu@med.yu.ac.kr
Received: April 23, 2008;  Accepted: August 19, 2008.
PURPOSE: It is uncertain whether the rater's presence during administration of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) has any impact on examinee performance. To clarify this issue, the effects of a rater's presence during testing on OSCE score and examinee responses were analyzed. METHODS: The OSCE comprised 24 stations of 12 duplicated cases. Twenty-eight of 83 fourth-year medical students were placed in four rater-absent stations (pediatrics, 2 stations; internal medicine, 2 stations). The scores of the rater-absent group were assessed after review of recorded videotapes. We obtained student responses on the rater's presence by means of a questionnaire. Statistical analysis (t-test) was performed using SPSS 14.0. RESULTS: The scores of the rater-absent group compared with the rater-present group were 78.57+/-16.27 vs. 70.55+/-19.57 (p=0.066) for pediatrics, 66.07+/-14.74 vs. 64.36+/-14.88 (p=0.621) for internal medicine, and 67.75+/-5.43 vs. 69.13+/-4.85 (p=0.099) for total score, respectively. Subjects in the rater-absent group felt that they were in a real-life clinical situation (p=0.013) and concentrated better (p=0.006), and more students requested to take the OSCE without a rater in the station (p=0.000) than those in rater-present group. CONCLUSION: Although there was no significant difference in OSCE scores between the rater-absent and rater-present examinee groups, subjects at rater-absent stations felt more of a real clinical situation and could concentrate more effectively than those at rater-present stations. To this end, videotaped OSCE assessments should be considered to increase the validity of the examination.
Keywords: Clinical competence;Educational measurement
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