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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 20(2); 2008 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2008;20(2): 133-144. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2008.20.2.133
우리나라 의과대학 / 의학전문대학원의 인문사회의학 교과목 운영현황 및 학습내용 분석
안정희1, 권복규2, 이순남2, 한재진2, 정재은3
1이화의학 글로발 챌린지 사업단
2이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 의학교육실
Study on the Medical Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum in Korean Medical School: Current Teaching Status and Learning Subjects
Jung Hee An1, Ivo Kwon2, Soon Nam Lee2, Jae Jin Han2, Jae Eun Jeong3
1Ewha Global Challenge-the 2nd BK21, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.
2Office of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Ivo Kwon, Tel: 02)2650-5758, Fax: 02)2653-1136, Email: kivo@ewha.ac.kr
PURPOSE: We did this study to find out the current teaching status of the medical humanities and social sciences curriculum in Korean medical schools. Further, we discuss the tasks at hand to improve the curriculum in medical education. METHODS: The curricula of 41 medical schools and the syllabi of 10 schools were examined. We analyzed the tables of course organization and contents of integrated medical humanities. After analysis of the contents, they were grouped into 6 categories of medical humanities and social sciences domain. RESULTS: Our results are as follow: 1) there are 3 types of medical humanities and social sciences subject forms: inter-disciplinary (integrated, for example, PDS), multi-disciplinary (separated subject form), and mixed (integrated+separated); 2) most schools offer medical humanities and social sciences in a required class; 3) medical humanities and social sciences are taught through all school years and all 8 graduate medical schools offer a medical humanities and social sciences course from year 1; and 4) the average academic credits for medical humanities are 10 or 11. With respect to the curriculum content, there is some commonality in 10 schools: disease prevention, health improvement, medical ethics, medical regulation, professionalism, and community medicine. Differences were seen in content selection and organization. CONCLUSION: After brief reviews of the medical humanities and social science curriculums, we discovered that all Korean medical schools meet the need of medical humanities and social sciences education. However, curriculum implementation differed in various ways. We suggest the following tasks: 1) clarification of educational goals in order to develop a core curriculum of medical humanities and social sciences in Korea; 2) sharing experiences of developing a well-designed curriculum with other medical schools for effective teaching of this subject area.
Keywords: Medical humanities;Professional behavior;Multi-disciplinary curriculum;Inter-disciplinary curriculum;Curriculum change;Curriculum development
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