Kolb 학습양식 검사지를 이용한 의과대학생의 학습양식분석 |
김상현1,2, 노혜린1,3 |
1강원대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실 2강원대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 3강원대학교 의과대학 외과학교실 |
The Assessment of Medical Students' Learning Styles using the Kolb Learning Style Inventory |
Sang Hyun Kim1,2, Hye Rin Roh1,3 |
1Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Kangwon University, Chuncheon, Korea. 2Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Kangwon University, Chuncheon, Korea. 3Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Kangwon University, Chuncheon, Korea. |
PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper was to assess if there is a relationship between Kolb learning styles and learner variables including age, gender, and grade retention among medical students.
METHODS: The Kolb Learning Style Inventory(LSI) is used at many educational levels to determine the learning preferences of medical students and clinicians. The students' learning styles were analyzed for associations with learner variables. The Kolb LSI was administered to 164 Kangwon medical students. They were categorized based on learner variables.
RESULTS: Kolb's 'assimilator' was the preferred learning style type of the study group(55.2%). 'Accommodator'(17.8%) and 'diverger'(16.0%) were next, followed by 'converger'(11.0%). Learning style preferences of medical students did not vary significantly according to age, gender, and grade retention.
CONCLUSION: No statistically significant relationships were identified between the Kolb learning styles and learner variables. The assessment of medical students' learning styles categorized based on Kolb LSI is expected to provide educators with skills to plan teaching strategies, employ a variety of teaching methods, and facilitate academic performance. |
Kolb learning styles;Medical students;Learner variables |