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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 18(3); 2006 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2006;18(3): 279-287. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2006.18.3.279
전공의와 환자의 의사-환자 관계에 대한 상호 인식 조사
안서원, 이영미, 안덕선
고려대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실
A Study on How Young Doctors and Patients Perceive the Doctor-patient Relationship
Sowon Ahn, Young-Mee Lee, Duck-Sun Ahn
Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Duck-Sun Ahn, Tel: 02)920-6210, Fax: 02)928-1647, Email: dsahn@korea.ac.kr
PURPOSE: We specifically investigated the young doctor (residents) patient doctor-patient relationship in Korea. A society built on Confucianism, age is expected to affect even the doctor-patient relationship. METHODS: 57 residents participated and answered 6 open-ended questions. 90 patients of various age participated and answered 3 open-ended and 6 close-ended questions. RESULTS: It seems that the general problem of the doctor-patient relationships was related to attitudes and communication skills. Over 80% of the residents felt uncomfortable and received inappropriate verbal expressions and attitudes from their patients simply because they were young or younger than the patients. This negative experience resulted mostly from the residents' self-perceived lack of experience and clinical competence and the patients' distrust of young doctors. As for the patients, over 80% preferred middle-aged doctors to young doctors. Middleaged doctors were thought to be easier to understand, better mannered, more humane, and clinically competent. Most residents expected professional respect from their patients, while patients expected kindness and humility from the young doctors. This shows a gap in the reciprocal expectations between residents and patients. CONCLUSION: Young doctors are perceived as inexperienced and incompetent and, consequently, not trusted by patients in Korea. To improve the resident-patient relationship, improvement in attitude and communication skills is needed.
Keywords: Doctor-patient relationship;Age;Communication skills;Attitude;Confucianism
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