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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 17(2); 2005 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2005;17(2): 135-150. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2005.17.2.135
멀티캠퍼스 의학교육의 현황분석과 대응방안 - 41개 의과대학의 복합형 교육병원형 교육체계 분석을 중심으로 -
김용일1, 김지영2, 박귀화3
1을지의과대학교 교육개발연구센터
2성균관대학교 의과대학 의학교육실
3가천의과대학교 교육개발연구센터
Multicampus Medical Education in Korea: Issues and Strategies for Emphasizing the Advantages
Yong Il Kim1, Ji Young Kim2, Gwi Hwa Park3
1Center for Educational Development and Research, Ulji University School of Medicine, Korea.
2Office of Medical Education, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.
3Center for Educational Development and Research, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Yong Il Kim, Tel: 042)259-1518, Fax: 042)259-1519, Email: kimyi@eulji.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was designed to analyze the current status of multicampus medical education in Korea, to identify its educational significance, and to develop strategies for overcoming such disadvantages. METHODS: The logistic data were collected from 41 medical schools, and the educational impacts based on the location of campuses and clinical teaching hospitals, types of education, major functions, and collaboration system between campuses were analyzed. RESULTS: 35 from 41 medical schools ran various forms of multicampus education, and only 8 claimed a system that bridged the school campus and teaching hospital (s). However, none were equipped with any form of meaningful liaison accommodating a distant learning system between learning centers. Regardless, the advantages of multicampus school system aimed to provide a wide range of learning experiences, serious disadvantages remained without the system developing an effective method for overcoming difficulties of communication or establishing an achievement to reach a common educational consensus. CONCLUSION: Various advantages of multicampus system in terms of producing pleuripotential physicians have been rationalized, but any measures for their effective collaboration remains limited. This paper stresses the development of a responsible unit for better support between school campus and clinical teaching centers in multicampus curriculum planning. It is also crucial to design an educational communication channel between them.
Keywords: Multicampus education;Teaching hospital;Educational liaison resources;Distance learning
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