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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 17(1); 2005 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2005;17(1): 73-82. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2005.17.1.73
학업성적, 임상종합평가시험성적 및 의사국가시험성적간의 상관관계
김명수, 어영, 이종인, 장세진, 박기창, 박주영, 홍인수, 강성준
연세대학교 원주의과대학 의학교육실
Correlation Between the Academic Score, the Trial Examination Score, and the Korean Medical Licensing Examination Score
Myoung Soo Kim, Young Uh, Jong In Lee, Sei Jin Chang, Ki Chang Park, Joo Young Park, In Soo Hong, Seong-Joon Kang
Medical Education University, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Myoung Soo Kim, Tel: 033)741-1306, 0573, Fax: 033)742-1815, Email: ysms91@naver.com
PURPOSE: We analyzed the correlation between the year-end student academic scores (grade score), the trial examination scores, and the Korean Medical Licensing Examination (KMLE) score by correlation analysis and multiple regression method. METHODS: Our subjects included 217 graduates between the years 2002 and 2003. Yearly, trial examinations, composed according to the principles of KMLE setting, are performed four times. For correlation and regression analysis, all scores were transformed to the standard score according to the standard score norm. RESULTS: In the regression analysis among each grade scores, the lower grade score always affected the higher grade score. Also all academic grade scores correlated significantly with the trial examination scores and KMLE score in bivariate correlation analysis (P< 0.05). But only grade score during the senior years (5th and 6th) affected the trial examination and KMLE score in multiple regression. According to the multiple regressions by each grade score and trial examination score, the 6th grade score and trial exanimation score except the 1st trial examination score have a significant effect on the KMLE score. And we can also establish the regression formula such as [KMLE score]=11.377+0.752*[mean of trail examination] with significant high power of explanation (R (2) =0.709, P< 0.001). CONCLUSION: Our results show that previous scores always affect the latter scores; and the last score in time sequence is a result of the accumulation of previous education and learning. From this point of view, the trial examination is a useful tool for not only the final assessment of medical achievements but also for preparing for the KMLE.
Keywords: Academic grade score;Korean Medical Licensing Examination;Trial examination;Correlation
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