지원동기가 의과대학 적응에 미치는 영향 |
김지영, 손희정, 김태진, 최윤호, 김호중, 기창원, 김주희, 홍경표 |
성균관대학교 의과대학 의학교육실 |
The Impact of Application Motives on Medical School Adjustment |
Ji Young Kim, Hee Jung Son, Tae Jin Kim, Yoon Ho Choi, Ho Joong Kim, Chang Won Kee, Ju Hui Kim, Kyung Pyo Hong |
Office of Medical Education, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
Corresponding Author:
Ji Young Kim, Tel: 02)3410-6814, Fax: 02)3410-6820, Email: jykimedu@med.skku.ac.kr |
PURPOSE: This study was aimed to identify application motives and to explore the impact of motives on school adjustment in medical school students. METHODS: Fifty-one third-year medical students were individually interviewed by two independent interviewers to evaluate application motives and school adjustment. Fisher's exact test and two-way analysis of variance were used to examine group differences in school adjustment and academic performance according to application motives and personal characteristics. RESULTS: On the basis of Marcia's identity status model, four types of application motives were identified including "objective orientation", "achievement orientation", "heteronomy" and "objective diffusion." Students who were classified into either objective orientation or achievement orientation did not have any adjustment problem. However, half the students classified into either heteronomy or objective diffusion had academic or social problems. The students in the first two classifications achieved higher grades in basic science courses than those of the later two. Conclusions: These results suggest that application motives tend to impact school adjustment and academic performance. Motive-based admission policies and student guidance should be considered as alternative measure for improving school adjustment and academic performance in medical school students. |
Application motive;School adjustment;Identity status |