의학적성구인 탐색을 위한 연구 |
최지은1, 송인섭2, 김선3, 남현우4, 이무상1, 양은배5 |
1청주교대 2숙명여대 3가톨릭의대 4순천향의대 5연세의대 |
The Exploratory Study for Medical Aptitude Constructs |
Ji Eun Choi1, In Sub Song2, Sun Kim3, Hyun Woo Nam4, Moo Sang Lee1, Eun Bae Yang5 |
1Cheongju National University of Education, Korea. 2Sookmyung Woman's University, Korea. 3The Catholic University, Korea. 4Soonchunghyang University, Korea. 5Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea. |
Corresponding Author:
Eun Bae Yang, Tel: 02)361-5453, Fax: 02)364-5450, Email: nara@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr. |
PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to explore the individual traits needed for the successful performance of a doctor's duties as well as to establish primary criteria for the Medical Education Eligibility Test. METHODS: This study conducted qualitatively by interviewing 43 persons: medical school professors, residents, and medical reporters. The analysis of data were applied a content analysis. RESULTS: 1) The important intelligent abilities revealed were problem solving, verbal expression, and memory. 2) The personality traits included sincerity, sociability, respectability, gentleness, and reflective thinking. 3) The biology, chemistry, and physics were important in the natural science background knowledge, and 4) linguistics, philosophy, and social science were important in human and social science background knowledge. CONCLUSION: The medical aptitude could be constructed intelligent ability, personality trits, and background knowledges, and include specific aspects depended on Korean context. |
Medical Education Eligibility Test (MEET);Medical aptitude |