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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 15(3); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2003;15(3): 233-240. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2003.15.3.233
일개 의과대학에서 기존의 강의 평가에 대한 학생들의 반응
박석건1, 서대현2, 서수연2, 서영승2, 송승관2, 신경황2
1단국대학교 의과대학 핵의학교실
2단국대학교 의과대학 2학년
Student's Response to Current Lecture Evaluation Method in One Medical School
Seok Gun Park1, Dae Hyun Seo2, Su Yeon Seo2, Young Seung Seo2, Seung Kwan Song2, Kyung Hwang Shin2
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Dankook University Medical College, Cheonan, Korea.
2Second-year Student2, Dankook University Medical College, Cheonan, Korea
Corresponding Author: Seok Gun Park, Tel: 041)550-6952, Fax: 041)550-6955, Email: seokgun@hitel.net
PURPOSE: The evaluation of a lecture by students is one of the good way to improve a lecture. In one medical school, we started one-year-integrated-lecture curriculum for sophomore. And we evaluated lectures using formal lecture evaluation sheet after completion of each integrated lectures. The results were fed back to lecturers. But lecturers were indifferent to the results. So we performed this study to evaluate the current lecture evaluation method. METHODS: Answering patterns of evaluation sheets were reviewed. 50 students entitled to integrated lectures were given structured questions. 44 of them recovered. And randomly selected 10 students were interviewed. RESULTS: Analysis of evaluation sheets showed that some students checked the items just for fun. More than half of the students answered that they did not check the questions seriously. Reasons why the evaluation of lectures were not going well were; students were not trained to evaluate something; evaluation sheet was not designed to evaluate individual lecturer; listed items were too many in number and inappropriate; some students were suspicious about the impact of evaluation of lectures. In addition to this, it was revealed that students thought the timing of evaluation of lecture was important, too. CONCLUSION: Indifference of lecturers to the results is one form of resistance to the evaluation of lectures by students. To make evaluation of lectures effective, numbers and contents of evaluation items must be selected carefully, students need to be trained, and adequate evaluation timing should be determined with frequent feed backs.
Keywords: Lecture;Evaluation;Integrated curriculum
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