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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 15(3); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2003;15(3): 221-231. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2003.15.3.221
외과학 임상실습 평가방법의 변경이 실습성적에 미치는 영향
김명수, 김익용, 배금석, 한애리, 김대성, 유수영, 강성준, ․노병선
연세대학교 원주의과대학 외과학교실
Effect after Change of Evaluation Method in Surgical Clerkship Program
Myoung Soo Kim, Ik Yong Kim, Keum Suck Bae, Ai Ri Han, Dae Sung Kim, Soo Young Yoo, Seong-Joon Kang, Byung Sun Rhoe
Department of Surgery, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Myoung Soo Kim, Tel: 033)741-1306 / 0573, Fax: 033)742-1815, Email: ysms91@wonju.yonsei.ac.kr
PURPOSE: Since 2002, Department of Surgery, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine attempted to revise the evaluation method of surgical clerkship program. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect after change of evaluation method. METHODS: Major changes in current revisions were summarized as follows; (1) multiple evaluator, (2) student's attitude evaluated by rating scale method, (3) attendance and procedure evaluation were measured in numbers according to the fixed criteria, (4) addition of clinic-based items such as problem-solving items in the final written examination. We compared the measurement of revised evaluation at 2002 with those at 1999. And the correlation or simple linear regression analysis between score of clerkship and student academic grade score were taken. RESULTS: The clerkship score of students at 2002 showed more powerful discrimination between high performance group and poor group than that of 1999's. Even though the subject score of clerkship was significantly correlated with grade score regardless of evaluation method of clerkship, the subject score of clerkship at 2002 was more closely correlated with a grade score than 1999's. The score of knowledge-based items from final written examination is not correlated with clerkship score, but on the other hands, there was significant correlation between score of clinic-based items and clerkship score. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, variable measurements under the exact guideline and principle are more reliable method in evaluation of surgical clerkship.
Keywords: Surgical clerkship program;Evaluation;Measurement
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