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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 14(2); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2002;14(2): 293-300. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2002.14.2.293
Evaluating Clinical Teaching in Medicine
Young Mee Lee, Yeon Hee So, Duck Sun Ahn, Seung Ha Park
1Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Korea University, Korea. dsahn@korea.ac.kr
2Department of Plastic Surgey, College of Medicine, Korea University, Korea.
PURPOSE: Clinical teaching is at the center of medical education. To improve the quality of clerkship education, regular and structured program assessment is essential. The purpose of this study were to: 1) evaluate the effectiveness of the clerkship program at The College of Medicine at Korea University, 2000-2001, 2) to provide feedback to faculty, and 3) to improve the quality of clinical education. METHODS: The subjects of this study were the fourth year medical students who had finished all the clerkship rotation. The questionnaire consisted of items covering 6 potential dimensions considered relevant to the educational quality of clerkship. The dimensions consisted of aspects related to: clerkship contents and curriculum, evaluation, helpful vs. least helpful educational activity, the characteristics of best and worst clinical teachers and the student's self assessment for clinical competency. RESULTS: Most of students evaluated overall clerkship course contents and structure as negatively. Most helpful preceptor was revealed as residents. The characteristics of best clinical teacher were: 1) careful consideration and humanistic approach for students, 2) role modelling of good physician, 3) organized and systematic teaching, 4) enthusiam for teaching, 5) effective communication with either students or residents. CONCLUSION: The results could be used for faculty development and improving the quality of clerkship course by feedback to program director. Also, this result suggested that teaching resident to teach is need to effective clinical teaching.
Keywords: Clinical clerkship;Evaluation
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