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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 14(2); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2002;14(2): 213-226. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2002.14.2.213
A Study on the Classification Validity and Predictive Validity of Accreditation Standards for Medical Schools in Korea
Eun Bae Yang
Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. meyeb@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the classification of validity and predictive validity of accreditation standards for medical schools. METHODS: In order to analyze the validity of the standards of accreditation, an instrument, survey on the input and the output indicators in medical education, was developed to gather information. Cluster analysis, and regression analysis were performed in analyzing the data in order to examine the classification validity, and predictive validity of the standards of medical school accreditation. RESULTS: The result of this research was as follows; First, Korean medical schools can be classified into seven types according to the amount of invested resources and the educational outcome. The result showed that the standards of medical school accreditation have validity in the schools of lead type, average type, and unconcerned type. Therefore, applying uniform standards to all different types of schools is not validity in enhancing the quality of medical education and in insuring that the medical schools to carry out their social accountability. Second, variables predicting the passing rate of the Korean medical licensing examination (KMLE) were found out to be the college's quota of student, the number of journals per student, and the Korean Scholastic Achievement Test(KSAT). Variables predicting the level of students' satisfaction were the total lecture time, the educational facility per student, and the KSAT. The standards of accreditation accounts for 54.2% in predicting the passing rate of the KMLE and 84.4% in predicting the level of students' satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Such findings lead to conclude that new standards of medical school accreditation comprehensively including more predicting variables and outcome variables needs to be developed.
Keywords: Accreditation standard;Classification validity;Predictive validity
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