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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 14(2); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2002;14(2): 185-194. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2002.14.2.185
'Global Citizenship' Course in Premedical Year Development and Outcome of Manner Program for Future Physicians
Chung Ah Kim, Bok Kyu Kwon, Gwi Hwa Park, Yoon Myung Yim, Yong Il Kim
1Department of Humanities, Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Korea.
2Department of Medical History, Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Korea.
3Center for Educational Development and Research, Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Korea. kimyi@gachon.ac.kr
4Department of Rehabilitation, Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study aims to introduce a one semester 'Global Citizenship' program, being offered as a part of the premedical course at Gachon Medical School. The program was designed to meet the community needs in terms of etiquette and manner education for the future physicians and also to review the outcome of short-term experience. METHODS: The program was offered to M1(premedical students year-1) students from the first semester after entrance to the school with following objectives: to understand the anthropological aspect of culture, to motivate students in relation to medical scientific foundation, and to develop the appropriate human relations, including international etiquette and manners, prior to the subinternship in M5(medical student year-3). RESULTS: The program consisted of 12 sessions of lectures and/or practice-based learning such as etiquette for dormitory life, Korean traditional culture, gender role in the 21st century, dining etiquette in various cultural programs, netiquette(for computer usage), Korean housing and its architectural beauty, etiquette for alcoholic beverage drinking, dressing, and the respect and understanding of other cultures, services and manners. They were all instructed with presentations combined with site-visits or hands-on experience followed by a reflection paper and group discussion. Although the program was costly and time-consuming compared to the traditional theory-based natural science and humanity subjects, students expressed their strong motivation and concerns on their future responsibilities. CONCLUSION: We conclude that "Global Citizenship" course is a useful program to provide a meaningful motivation to the newly enrolled students, Further, it encourages students to understand human relations as a global citizen equipped with the appropriate etiquette and manners.
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning;Teaching strategy;Learning strategy
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