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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 13(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2001;13(2): 317-332. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2001.13.2.317
An Inquiry into the Professional Graduate Medical School
Eun Bae Yang
Department of Medical Education, Yonsei Univsersity College of Medicine.
The purpose of this study was to suggest the directions of improvement in medical education through analyzing the published reports about medical education system. In order to reach the purpose of this study, we gathered research reports since the PCER(Presidential Commission on Education Reform) had suggested the establishment of professional graduate school in 1996. The result of this study was as follows; First, all of the previous reseach reports pointed to necessary that medical education should be improved undergraduate medical education into professional graduate school. Second, enterance eligibility and flexibility of educational system were investigated for a long time by highly competent researchers, but they were exceedingly difficult to find any clue to their answer. Third, all of the previous reseach reports suggested to improvement of medical education curriculum. Fourth, autonamy and funds of medical school were emphasized to improve the medical education. On the basis of the above findings, the following conclusions were drawn. First, to improve medical education, especially to launch professional graduate medical school, is important the corporation and effort among the medical school and other organizations. Second, autonomy and funds of medical school should be guaranteed by a policy. Finally, the medical shcools should be aware of accountability and prepare for environment change of medical education.
Keywords: Professional graduate school;Medical education improvement
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