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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 13(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2001;13(2): 299-308. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2001.13.2.299
Inbreeding in Faculties of Korean Medical Schools
Yoon seong Lee
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Office of Medical Education.
Though there is a long-standing debate on the faculty 'inbreeding' of Korean medical schools, one knows little about what and how is the status. Based on [Current Educational Status of Medical Schools] by the Korean Council of Deans of Medical College, the basic data on the medical professors are presented. By May 2000, the total of 7,511 professors were in 41 medical schools. Among them, 6,963 (92.7%) were M.D. More than 90% of M.D. professors of 9 medical schools(19.5%) were their own graduates, while those of 15 medical schools(36.6%) do not have the majority of graduates and they are relatively new ones. Many medical professors(3,114, 44.7%) works at the medical schools that they graduated. However, eight schools established before 1955 have their own graduates 40.8% of M.D. professors, and 14 schools established from 1965 to 1982 have 57.7%. Korean medical schools have trend that they have chosen their own graduates as medical professors. And the relatively new schools follows the trend.
Keywords: Inbreeding;Medical professor
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