1Department of Psychiatry, Gachon Medical School. 2Office of Educational Development and Research, Gachon Medical School. 3Department of Pathology, Gachon Medical School.
To foster humanistic physician, and to support medical students with the many adjustment problems which they commonly encounter in medical school, more personal and closer relationships between faculty members and students are warranted. This study was carried out to investigate faculties' and student's perceptions of the mentoring program in Gachon medical school.
A total of 90 faculty members and 131 students responded to questionnaires. Most of the faculties and students believe this program to hold an important role in medical education.
While majority of faculty members thought that the most important purpose of the program is to develop student attitudes by being a positive role model, most students perceived the development of personal relationships with faculties as being the most important. In addition, both faculty members and students listed an interest in education, as well as compassion for students as being important characteristics of a good mentor. With regard to perceived or anticipated problems of this program, many faculty members pointed to a lack of time and experience, while students indicated faculty members' passive attitudes and lack of interest in cultivating relationships with students.
Findings from this study suggest several directions for improvement. First, to encourage active participation, students and faculties must understand the purpose of this program. Second, a training program to develop mentoring abilities should be provided for faculty. Third, a network among cooperating services should be introduced to keep this program running more effectively.
Further, mentors and students should have regular meetings to promote closer relationships between them. This improved faculty mentoring program can serve as a continuing basis to facilitate personal and professional development of medical students.