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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 12(2); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2000;12(2): 227-239. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2000.12.2.227
A Study On The Stress, Copying and General well-being of Medical Students
Dong Il Kwak, Yoon Kyung Choi, Hye Jin Lim, Hyun Joo Oh, In Kwa Jung, Min Soo Lee
1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine.
2Korea University Research Institute of Mental Health.
The mental health of medical students deserves attention because the problems in students may negatively influence learning ability and create consequences for later adjustment to doctor's role. The purpose of this study is to understand the stress, copying, self-esteem and subjective general well-being of medical students and compare them with other students group (students of law, science and humanities). The results was as follows : First, medical students did not report more stress but they use less copying strategy than other students group. Second, there was no differences in stress, copying, self-esteem and general well-being between high and low academic achievement group in medical students. Futhermore, study-related stress had more close relationship with self-esteem, general well-being. Third, the preparatory course students showed lower score in general well-being, especially health, cheerful-depressive mood domain. These results imply that mental health promotion programmes focused in guiding adjustment for the preparatory course students are helpful. And psychiatric, academic counseling should be made available to them. It can lead to an improvement in our health care delivery system. The need of additional longitudinal research is discussed.
Keywords: Stress;Copying;General well-being
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