Department of Surgery, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea.
BACKGROUND: Progression note is a critical source in patient care. It is used to evaluate physician performance as well as the quality of clinical care. However, the majority of medical schools do not formally teach how to write progression notes. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the impact of feedback education on the quality of the students' progression notes.
METHODS: A static group-comparison design was used to determine the quality of progression notes written by 64 students. 31 students received feedback, but the other 33 students did not. 219 patients' progression notes were selected for this study. Progression notes were blindly reviewed by the 3 faculty members.
RESULTS: Progression notes from students who received feedback showed significantly higher scores than those students who did not received feedback(p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that feedback education in writing progression notes needs to be integrated to improve quality of the notes.