1Department of Preventive Medicine, Catholic University of Taegu- Hyosung School of Medicine. 2Department of Preventive Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine.
OBJECTIVES: To survey the behavioral science education in Korean medical schools and to develop a standard syllabus for behavioral science course.
SUBJECTS: Professors who are in charge of behavioral science course in 32 medical schools in 1996.
METHODS: To develop a standard syllabus of behavioral science course for medical school Delphi technique was used.
A questionnaire was mailed to each professor who was in charge of the behavioral science course in 32 medical schools to ask about the course objectives and contents and educational method in January 1996 and 27 questionnaires were completed and returned. The course objectives and syllabi of 27 medical schools were listed and mailed to the same professors to check his/her opinion on the necessity of each item for the behavioral science course. Twenty-three questionnaires were returned and analyzed. The opinion of 23 respondents on each objective and syllabus were listed again and mailed back to the respondents and asked to check if he/she agree with the other respondents' opinion. Nineteen questionnaires were collected. From this results a standard syllabus was developed.
RESULTS: We recommend that educational objectives of behavioral science course for medical students include understanding of human behavior in biologic, psychologic and sociocultural contexts, understanding of the relationship between body and mind (stress and diseases), acquiring techniques for establishing doctor-patient relationship, and acquiring knowledge and skill for holistic approach to patient care. Recommendable syllabi for behavioral science course are medicine and behavioral science (basic principles of human behavior), body and mind, growth and development, family and health, medical care and society and culture, illness behavior, physician's identity, doctor-patient relationship, communication (clinical interview), and psychologic aspects of human behavior.
We recommend that the behavioral science course be offered in the first and second grades of medical students, be integrated into the medical curriculum to link better with clinical courses. Duration of course needs to be expanded from 25.2 hours on the average at present to at least 48 hours. To improve the effectiveness of behavioral science education, it is necessary to develop various teaching methods such as small group discussion, panel discussion, case study, role play and clinical practicum. It is recommended that behavioral science be taught by a team consisted of behavioral scientists and physicians with behavioral science background including psychiatrists instead of by psychiatrist alone.