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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 11(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1999;11(2): 297-312. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1999.11.2.297
The Study on the Faculty Evaluation System of Teaching Ability in Korea
Heechoul Ohrr, Eun Bae Yang, Myung Hyun Chung, Moo Sang Lee
Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University College of Medicine.
The purpose of this study is to discuss the evaluation system of teaching ability of medical college faculty members. Reviewing of books and journals ha s been carried out by the authors so that the problems and methods of faculty evaluation may be discussed. The practical Korean data on the faculty evaluation system were collected by the department of faculty affairs of each college in March 1998. Faculty evaluation can be divided into two dimensions-dynamic and static dimensions. The methods vary according to evaluators, such as self evaluation, student evaluation, peer evaluation and administrator evaluation. On the bases of the object or the time of evaluation, it can be divided into formative or summative evaluation. According to the methold of data collection, it also can be divided into literature evaluation, observation evaluation and site visiting evaluation as well. The authorities of medical colleges used to give much more weight on the research activities rather than on teaching abilities. This kind of idea has been pushed faculty members to stress on research activities not on teaching abilities. Some inportant problems detected in this study are the narrow evaluation scope of aculty teaching activities, the not well established rationale of the evaluation, the underdevelopment of evaluation items, and the rigidity of the related authority. The introduction of a faculty track system is recommended as a desirable arrangement to develop the evaluation system in Korea.
Keywords: Faculty Evaluation System;Educational Accountability;Faculty Track System
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