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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 10(1); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1998;10(1): 57-63. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1998.10.1.57
Analysis on the First Fundamental Medical Sciences Examination at Kon-Kuk University College of Medicine
Soung Hoon Chang, Won Jin Lee, Kun Sei Lee, Beob Yi Lee, Ki Seok Koh
1Department of Preventive Medicine, Kon- Kuk University College of Medicine, Choongju, Korea.
2Department of Anatomy, Kon- Kuk University College of Medicine, Choongju, Korea.
To provide the information about overall test reliability and test improvement, we analyzed the first fundamental medical sciences examination at the Kon-Kuk University College of Medicine on August 23, 1997. The results are as follows: 1. The number of the items in the test is 230. The range of the scores is from 32.5 to 61.3(average percentage score: 50.0+/-6.1). Among the 39 students, three(7.7%) passed the examination with percentage scores of higher than 60. 2. The correlation coefficients between the fundamental medical sciences examination and academic records are 0.4682(the first semester in 1st grade), 0.5933(the second semester in 1st grade), and 0.6538(the first semester of 2nd grade), respectively. 3. Among the 230 items, 47(20.4%) are too difficult or too easy. Therefore these items are recommended to be discarded. 4. Among the 230 items, 115(50%) have lower discriminative indices(lower than 0.14) and 55(23.9%) have higher discriminative indices(higher than 0.23). 5. Among the 230 items, overall acceptable items are 101; the range of difficulty is 0.15~0.84 and discriminative indices are higher than 0.15. Good acceptance is shows in pharmacology and microbiology.
Keywords: Test reliability;Discriminative indices;Medical sciences examination
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