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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 8(2); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1996;8(2): 189-199. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1996.8.2.189
A Study of Medical Education System in Korea
Jong Sang Choi, Duck Joon Suh, Jong Yil Chai, Heechoul Ohrr, Ik Keun Hwang, Dae Young Kang
1Department of Pathology, Korea University, Korea.
2Department of Physiology, Dong- A University, Korea.
3Department of Parasitology, Seoul National University, Korea.
4Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.
5Department of Psychiatry, Chonbuk University, Korea.
6Department of Pathology, Chungnam University, Korea.
There is a trial to increase as four years of the premedical course to make doctors with better humanities and variable educational backgrounds and good researchers in basic medicines. We studied the trial in the present situation of the Korean in scvcral vicwpoints There will be a confusion between doctor in a origanization and there are many problems expected with two different educational system in a countury Moreover, two years of premedical course and four years of medical course are enough to a clinician, especially a primary care doctor and there will be increased costs and late age to be a doctor if premedical course are increased as four years. It is not real reason for the lack of applicants to be good researchers in basic medicines that shot premedical course and lack of non-medical educational backgrouds. Also situation of medical school in Korea is not suffice to extend their facilities and faculties. Finally advantages from the extension of the premedical course can be gained with introductions of the limeted bachelor`s admission and or dual major system. The most important things is the single educational system to be a doctor and leaving the system to the discretion of the medical schools or universities
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