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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 5(1); 1993 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1993;5(1): 66-78. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1993.5.1.66
Development of A New Course "Medicine : Science and Practice " in Premedical Program
Yong Il Kim, Sung Do Yun, Yoon Ok Ahn, Yun Woong Ko
1College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
2College of Medicine, Kyemung University, Korea.
3College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.
As a part of study on curricular renovation in the premedical program, a new course entitled "Medicine : Science and Practice" was developed in an otherwise traditional premedical education setting wi th hopeful linkage of two objectives aiming for effective delivery of traditional academic contents from individual disciplines and drawing of a strong motivation toward future medical carrier development. The course was divided into two parts : a series of lectures at the phase I (the second semesters of Year I) and a subsequent session of student-centered seminars in small group session at the phase II (the first semester of Year II ). The topics in lectures and seminars were selected among the more practical, contemporary and hot medico-social issues being specifically designed to meet the educational needs/concepts of "motivation for future medical carrier development", "students learn from students versus self-instruction" and "active participation in learning process". Integration of basic sciences/cultural subjects to professional medical sciences/practice was more emphasized together with increase of attention to the humanity and socio-econonmic courses by which cultivation of problem-solving ability is possible instead of the present science-focused approach. The small group study was persistently encouraged in phase II to develop their confidence in successfulness of self learning. The course was also specifically designed to promote the habit of critical thinking on current medical issuse, to stimulate learning of general educational disciplines by usage of medical phenomena. The details of curricular development and operational strategies were described with examples.
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