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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 5(1); 1993 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1993;5(1): 41-52. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1993.5.1.41
Contents of Clinical Preceptorship and Evaluation of Clinical Teaching Behavior
Yoon Mi Song, Chang Yup Kim, Tai Woo You, Bong Yul Huh
1School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Korea.
2Department of Health Policy and Management, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
3Department of Family Practice, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea.
In an effort to evaluate the usage of preceptorship in a department of family medicine, we analyzed the data which gathered during 10 months, from July 1990 to April 1991. The analyzed results were as follows ; 1. The number of precepting per preceptor was 3.5 during one day. 2. In the clinical learning, the residents needed instruction most frequently in the process for diagnosing the problems of their patients. 3. For the purpose of evaluating the teaching behavior of preceptors, we asked to 21 residents and 8 preceptors of the department who experienced the preceptorship for responding a questionnaire, which contained 30 questions. Residents perceived that the most contributable teaching behavior was "deals with students in a friendly, outgoing manner". Preceptors answered that behavior as "emphasizes problem solving approaches rather than solution per se". About the least contributable teaching behavior, residents and preceptors agreed that it was "emphasis on his/her personal research". For further improvement in clinical instruction and its evaluation, it would be necessary to develop a collaborative methodology for clinical instruction and to organize an ongoing professional communication.
Keywords: Preceptorship;Teaching Behavior;Evaluation;Family Medicine
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