Department of Health Policy and Management Seoul Natinal University College of Medicine, Korea.
This paper describes the curriculum development and its evaluation on the field education program of community medicine (FPCM) offered to all senior grade medical students at a rural site by the Depar tment of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
The FPCM is a course of study designed to prepare the students to function effectively in a primary health care setting assuming medical practitioner's role in response to the community needs, and as a member of a health team. The FPCM curriculum is focused on those issue that are important to community-based medical education such as problem-based active learning, communication skills, attitudes, team work and leadership skills, and scientific way of thinking. It also stressed the utilization of local health resources as educational health resources. Some important outcome of the curriculum are as follows: 1) 96.2% of the students answered that the program were helpful and necessary as a part of medical education. 2) The preceptors replied that 'having the teaching experience' was most significant aspects of their perfomance. 3) The program completed without any constraints. 4) The FPCM curriculum will be applicable to other medical colleges even under the limitation of educational resources.