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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 4(1); 1992 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1992;4(1): 28-38. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1992.4.1.28
Evaluation of the Curriculum in the Department of Parasitology, Hallym University (1990)
Sun Huh
1Institute of Medical Education, Hallym University, Chunchon200-702, Korea.
2Department of Parasitology, Hallym University, Chunchon200-702, Korea.
I tried to evaluate the curriculum of the Department by students' critics. In December 1990, the questionnaires consisting 9 groups and 50 items were administered to 93 freshmen. The each groups and t he items of questionnaires were summed up with the ranking analysis. The attitude and technique of lecturer, materials for the lectures and laboratory got higher marks. The contents of the lecture and laboratory, and the student's response to lecture and laboratory got lower marks. Out of the specific items, the textbook, number of the assistant personnels, speed of lecture, introduction of the usage of laboratory manual, and number of specimens got the lowest marks. These items must be revised or corrected for the improvement of the education program in the Department. The increase of number of staffs is the most urgent task. This study might be a model for the other Departments in case of evaluating the curriculum by students.
Keywords: Parasitology;Undergraduate education;Evaluation;Curriculum
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