Department of Urology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The Korean Urological Association analysed the difficulty index, discriminating index and response distribution for the test items of the selection type of Korean Urological Board Examination which we re undergone during last 3 years and considered the countermeasures. All test items were consisted only with the One Best Response type and Multiple True False type. So two types of test items were compared with the above mentioned methods. The results were as follows : 1. The difficulty index and the response distribution were improved more and more every years. 2. The discriminating index were become worse and worse every years. 3. The question of Multiple True False type were more good in all 3-test items analysis methods compared One Best Response Type. 4. Every year the best question in the desirable range of all 3-test items analysis methods were only 5 items and about 15 test items were located in the acceptable range. The Korean Urological Association considered the counterplans which were the necessity of test item analysis for each category of specification table, recording of response distribution on the banking cards and growing of specialist for the board examination.