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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 36(1); 2024 > Article
Kwon, Chae, and Park: Correction of Table: Educational implications of assessing learning outcomes with multiple choice questions and short essay questions
To the Editor,
We found an error in our published article, “Educational implications of assessing learning outcomes with multiple choice questions and short essay questions [1].” The SEQ score column in Table 3 contains some errors, so we would like to correct these errors. The revised table is as follows:
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
Yours sincerely,
Su Jin Chae

Table 3.
Learning Outcomes of Top and Bottom 25% of the Group Based on MCQ Scores
Achievement Students MCQ scores SEQ scores Pass (○)/fail (X) for the 10 learning outcomes
Pass rate (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Low L1 42 11 X X X X X 50
L2 42.5 20 X X X X X 50
L3 43.5 20 X X X X X 50
L4 43.5 11 X X X X X X 40
L5 44 26 X X X X X X 40
L6 45 18 X X X X X 50
L7 48 17 X X X X X 50
L8 48.5 25 X X X X 60
L9 50.5 27 X X X X 60
L10 51 16 X X X X X 50
L11 52 21 X X X X X 50
High H1 71 32 X X X 70
H2 71 25 X 90
H3 72.5 42 100
H4 73 35 X 90
H5 74.5 28 X 90
H6 75.5 42 100
H7 75.5 3 X X X X X X X X X 10
H8 78 41 100
H9 82 47 100
H10 84 43 100
H11 86 43 100
Mean 61.98 28.8 86.36

MCQ: Multiple choice question, SEQ: Short essay question.


1. Kwon HJ, Chae SJ, Park JH. Educational implications of assessing learning outcomes with multiple choice questions and short essay questions. Korean J Med Educ 2023;35(3):285-290. https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2023.266.
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