May Objective Structure Clinical Examination and Clinical Skill Test Contribute to the Standardization of Clinical Clerkship in Multi-Campus Medical School?
1Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine and Institutes of Medical Education, Hallym University, Chunchon 200-702, Korea. 2Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine and Institutes of Medical Education, Hallym University, Chunchon 200-702, Korea.
If medical campus is composed of multi-campus, the standardization of the students' clinical clerkship is one of the major concerns in medical education, since it is very difficult to supervise the precise students' performances by the executive officers. To improve and to standardize the clinical clerkship, the objective structured clinical examination and the clinical skill test was done and its results were analyzed. On February 11, 2001, the 85 junior students of the College of Medicine, Hallym University, undertook the examinations with 10 items. Mean of the results was 72.73. There was no significant difference of scores according to sex, and group of examinees. There was significant difference according to the hospital of students' clerkship in spite of there was no significant difference of the scores of written examination and total score of clinical clerkship. There was a significant difference of experiences of clinical skills according to the hospital. There was a positive correlation between degree of experience of clinical skills and scores (r=0.3888). The most important factor influencing the scores is believed to be a experience of clinical skills in the hospital since it can be postulated that the students' ability was not different according to the hospital. Also the depth of the clinical skill was also may be another influencing factor to the scores. When students works in multi-campus hospitals, the professors or educational supervisors should check the clinical skills as the guideline indicated, for the standardization of the clinical clerkship.