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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 28(1); 2016 > Article
Kim: A new era of the Korean Journal of Medical Education: reborn as an international journal
Since the publication of its first issue in 1989, the Korean Journal of Medical Education (KJME) has been acknowledged as the only professional journal in the field of medical education in Korea. KJME has become an educational venue in which Korean medical educators share their experiences and study results and also contributes to the development and improvement of medical education in Korea through communications and scientific motivations among educational researchers. Many researchers of KJME have also participated in many activities, making presentations and contributions in internationally well-known conferences and journals. All of these efforts have nourished the rapid growth of KJME, and we achieved MEDLINE indexing in 2015.
Starting from the March 2016 issue, KJME will be published in English only to open interactions with international researchers. The change from being a Korean publication to becoming an English journal was not easy, prompting many concerns, such as the English requirements leading to a misunderstanding of the contents of papers. Of course, it is understandable that researchers with some English language barriers might encounter difficulties in the initial stages with reading and writing. But, if KJME wants to be an internationally recognized journal, all of us must overcome these issues.
In transforming into an English journal, KJME is now prepared for indexing in PubMed, after which it is expected that KJME will be introduced to international researchers and become an important medical education journal. As editor-in-chief, I expect and hope that KJME will provide a basis for research on making qualitative improvements to medical education. I also wish that all colleagues and supporters of medical education increase their interest and readership in the reborn KJME.




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