문항반응이론을 의사국가시험에 적용하기 위한 일차원성 및 적합도 검정 |
임미경1,3, 허선2,3 |
1한국보건의료인국가시험원 2한림대학교 의과대학 기생충학교실 3한림대학교 의과대학 의학교육연구소 |
Testing Unidimensionality and Goodness-of-fitness for the Application of Item Response Theory to the Korean Medical Licensing Examination |
Mi Kyoung Yim1,3, Sun Huh2,3 |
1National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Parasitology, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. 3Institute of Medical Education, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. |
Corresponding Author:
Sun Huh, Tel: 033)248-2652, Fax: 033)241-1672, Email: shuh@hallym.ac.kr |
PURPOSE: In order to apply the item response theory to test results, the assumptions made about unidimensionality and item goodness-of-fitness should be tested before analysis.
To know if the Korean Medical Licensing Examination results fulfill these assumptions, appropriate tests were done on these two features.
METHODS: Three results(from three subjects) of the Korean Medical Licensing Examination, done in January 2004, were converted into 1, 0 data. The Holland and Rosenbaum Method(HRMH) and DETECT were used to test unidimensionality.
The Winsteps was used to test goodness-of-fitness according to the Rasch model.
RESULTS: Unidimensionality was rejected by HRMH but accepted by DETECT. With the Rasch model, 2 out of 550 items were inadequate. Each 137, 73 and 455 examinees out of 3,881 were inadequate in three subjects of 126, 400 and 24 items.
CONCLUSION: The above results suggest that DETECT is desirable for testing unidimensionality of high-stakes tests with more than 100 items. According to the Rasch model, the Korean Medical Licensing Examination fulfills the goodness-of-fitness to be analyzed according to the item response theory. |
Item response theory;Unidimensionality;Goodness-of-fitness;Korean Medical Licensing Examination |