Department of Clinical Pathology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
To improve practical skills and problem-solving ablihty of the medical students, authrs introduced unique teaching program composed of 10 laboratory tests, essential for primary care physicians and ar ound 200 problem-solving and actual questionaires which can be met in situations of the clinical setting. The program was applied to the two-week clerkship for the senior class of Seoul National University College of Medicine in 1992. The problem-solving questionaires were revised three times in 1992, according to the results of analysis for new questionaires made by teachers and students. Around 5% of practical problem-oriented questionaires were made by students themselves. Favorable responses from the students were 99.1% for overall program and 96.1% for problem-solving questionaires. The long-term impact of this clerkship should be re-evaluated when students educated by this program become primary care physicians including interns or residents.